1·This calculation tells us that on average, Solarwind Company waited approximately 5 days to make collection of a sale on credit.
2·Mom Mix - Make a CD for her, a collection of all the songs that remind her of you and you growing up.
3·To make the new annotations available with keyword search, the synonym dictionary for this collection must be extended.
4·What I did is just make a collection of the information from various sites but mostly from that PDF file I mentioned above. I never claimed that these are my own discoveries.
5·One of the advantages of generational collection is that it can make garbage collection pauses shorter by not collecting all generations at once.
6·The configuration record allows you to identify a collection of variables that make up a unique instance of a given test environment.
7·However, the opposite is also true: a wise choice of garbage collection parameters can actually make an application run more quickly.
8·Setting to the latter may increase the incidences of garbage collection and make more pages available, but may impact performance.
9·Mr Labak says there is no high-quality credit bureau to provide details on repayment records of potential clients, and high levels of internal migration make arrears collection difficult.
10·If you make extensions to ATOM, you can address those properties though the collection as well.